Free Acorns

What does Dennard say immediately after?

Why does she write like Sarah Palin doing slam poetry? Does she think she’s an actual soothsayer, like in all those movies she saw?

This is my article.

The problem with group intros is they’d have to come up with 190 (20C2) unique intros for doubles alone. (Triples would be 1,140 (20C3)!) They could probabky program in-game high fives more easily, but people will still want to see Junkrat’s junk get bonked.

I love this, but I’m also a math teacher, and three hundred out of a million is not “point zero one to the eighth” by a factor of over a hundred billion. They’re trying to paint him as some Rain Man numbers genius, but he’s literally just rambling nonsense the whole time.

Excellent! I would’ve gone with Oh Let’s Break It Down! because I think the Oh makes the quote, as in Oh No You Didn’t! But then I’m no writer!