Free A-Rod

Yeah and I guarantee Joe Biggs owns at least one T-shirt with a quote about the Tree of Liberty being watered by the blood of dipshits but he's been reduced to complaining about having to poop in front of people and not being able to use his shelf.

“We have you on video sir, you’re blowing a whistle, damaging people’s hearing.”

but from the protective hold he had her they are definitely doin’ it.

A news conference to protest the incarceration of most violent offenders of an insurrection that killed five people, to include two cops?

I am not sure who that bearded guy was leading MTG away but from the protective hold he had her they are definitely doin’ it. And ps. That is not her husband.

>Also: “We have you on video sir, you’re blowing a whistle, damaging people’s hearing.”

What I find interesting is that these folks will accept the idea that “antifa” (which btw who is in support of fascism that they would hold aggression towards ANTI- fascists??) or “disguised BLM supporters” were at the Capitol to disrupt the election that they actually voted for (go figure) to make the MAGA idiots

Kudos to the dude for getting so much volume out of a whistle under his mask.

This is SOOOO awesome. I hope every time these shit stains are in public, this is the response. Whistles, bands, screams of “Pedophile!” Awesome!

I’m not crying, you’re crying!!

This man is so mutha fuckin’ fine, looking at this him is like staring at the sun…bright and beautiful. Je-sus. I love Simon Templar….he’s gonna look so good in those Savile Row (ooooh or maybe Tom Ford…NO Ozwald Boateng!…and Boateng needs a comeback) suits.

The GOP in certain states are trying to make it impossible to teach the stories of these people. As they push their influence, particularly in Texas, teachers will be fired for even speaking of any of this and textbooks will contain nothing alluding to Jim Crow, or the period of time in which women could not vote, or

She looks beautiful. She earned this. This KKKuntry makes me sad, often.

Making sure there is no evidence isn’t (legally) the same as destroying evidence.

Who cut the onions? 😭

I think I got a little dust in my eyes... sniff, sniff

I really don’t like being crammed in small spaces with lots of people. And since security is it’s own bear, I usually get to the airport early and drink before getting on the plane. Fortunately for everyone involved, it makes me more tolerant and forgiving of the 20 point IQ drop that somehow happens to everyone in an

I love me some airplane and airport drinking. Its the sign vacation has begun, or a business trip has ended.

I’m disappointed this wasn’t made with the meat from 10 different species of animal.