
Why did those ogres bear the White Hand of Saruman? Are we sure they weren't just Uruk-hai?

Really, he's playing the guy currently hocking Full ham was definitely the way to go.

Well, the creators of The League worked with Larry David on Seinfeld (and I believe Curb Your Enthusiasm as well), so it probably wasn't that tough to get him for their series finale.

Hello, James Clement.

Not me personally, but a friend in high school had a wasp's nest in his backyard and decided the best way to get rid of it was to tie a firecracker to the end of a yardstick, light it and then put it in the nest. He ended up with a backyard full of pissed off wasps.

What's Joe thinking? Joe's thinking he just sat in the jury box on Worlds Apart and watched Mike win five immunities in a row and win the game and now he's going to do the exact same thing. That's what Joe's thinking.

Yeah, they may have missed some storytelling opportunities with Simmons on the alien planet, but that storyline could have turned into Kim Bauer and the cougar really fast.

How do you have a Camelot/King Arthur plot in this cheesy of a show without one Monty Python and the Holy Grail reference? That was the worst part of this episode for me.

When you do something bad, even for a good reason, it's still bad. Wasn't that the whole lesson of the episode?

Come on, OUAT, when Arthur told the group who he was, someone (probably Regina) should have responded with, "Pull the other one."

Well, Men Without Hats are Canadian, so of course they're playing in Canada.

Where is Robin Sparkles when you need her?

Hey, it's the exact kind of pseudo-intellectual douchebaggery that Matt and Trey were making fun of last night!

Are we talking this season or all-time? Because while Dan was certainly delusional about his edit this season, no one approaches the level of delusion Coach showed in Tocantins.

I was hoping she'd let Will have his letter and then look over at him and say, "That's called being nice, Will. You should try it sometime."

I kind of agree with this. Apparently none of these people have ever heard the phrase "be the bigger person."

If anyone but Shirin wins at this point, I hope they pull a Richard Hatch and get busted by the feds for not paying taxes on the million bucks because they're all pretty much awful people.

You'd think Survivor superfans Dan and Shirin would be like, "No, no, no, this is not a reward we want any part of."