
‘eDgY bUt wRoNg

And what exactly do you propose as discipline?

You have to be a complete dumbass if you think this picture will follow people for the next decade. Explain how, exactly, can an employer find this particular picture of these teenagers? Explain without your outrage mentality obscuring your common sense 

“broken" lmao. Melodramatic comment of the day. I hope you never visit any high school in any city, you would die of a heart attack with all the "broken" teenagers 

Shhh. We’re all ignoring that little piece of info. We need to believe these were all non-blacks to validate our immediate outrage and mob mentality. We won’t take anything other they’re absolute racists as an answer. (Minus the black kid that's totally not there of course)

“polite society”

Second most melodramatic comment of the day. I fail to see the logic in the only way you could’ve found the 2 minutes to get this picture taken, and having time to “fuck around” is by being “a spoiled brat who’s been handed everything”. That doesn't even make sense. You're just looking to complain as much as you

PProbably not. 

Probably the most melodramatic reaction I’ve read so far. Something awfully funny about seeing, what I assume is a middle aged grown adult, getting this angry at a couple teenagers.

“it was a planned attack”

The game is still pretty garbage

you’re stupid

you’re right. they’re ruining games like they ruined television

battlefield 4 came out in 2013. Battlefield 1 is out today in 2016..... Either the word yearly changed or you dont know what you’re talking about.