
Good news Jet fans! You now get to see Brady win in New York on a weekday!


The Falcons lost a 5th round draft pick for pumping in fake crowd noise last year. A 5th round draft pick for MAKING IT HARDER FOR THE OPPOSING QB TO AUDIBLE. And there is proof that they did it all season long. Even if the ball deflation is true, they cheated far worse than the Pats and only lost a mid-tier draft

I want real Patriot-haters but also level headed, rational people to respond to this:

Pretty surprised that “some god damn peace and quiet for once” doesn’t top this list.

She has always been three thumbs up in my book!!!!

The point was simple. Kings blood brings power to the magic. The point is that is how the red lady promised Stannis Victory, and he finally agreed.

Theon burned two boys who he later claimed were the Stark children. You clearly didn’t stop watching then and there. Oh well, we didn’t know them.

rest assure you were asked to lighten up because Kerry Ingram is in fact quite safe and has not been burned at the stake. its just a TV show “lighten up” indeed

Just checking.... you do know these are actors... on TV... playing a role... with CGI and stuff right?... and that’s different from whatever it is your doing in real life right now.. right?

The scene isn’t pointless, it is totally integral to illustrate the progression of Stannis’ lust for the crown. It was tough to watch, but certainly not pointless. What is pointless is begrudging show fans’ dragon glee out of selective moral outrage.

We’ll disagree on some points there. “Completed suicide” makes far more sense. Suicide is the intention to kill yourself. Jumping off a bridge is the method. If we accept “died by suicide” then “died by fratricide/patricide/regicide” also becomes acceptable.

“died by suicide” has to be one of the sloppiest phrases I’ve heard in awhile. You commit suicide or you kill yourself. Suicide is a motive, not a method.

dadbod implies carrying a little too much bodyfat, which is the number one most unhealthy thing you can do for your body, worse than smoking cigarettes amongst other vices. Being overweight leads to more deaths than anything else, due to increased risk of practically every disease from diabetes to heart disease.

Ugh I’ve never regretting deleting my ex’s (for lack of a better descriptor) texts until this moment right here. He was a dirty old man, more than 20 years my senior, and some of the things he thought qualified as “sexy talk” were just awful and also wonderful(ly hilarious).

Bill Belichick was surprised to learn that he had a first-round pick which had not yet been traded.

You appear to have a problem. Maybe try dialing the righteous indignation down to 11 and click here

I'm more shocked that the defense didn't get all the sensible people with no brain damage kicked off the jury. They should have hired a Philly lawyer to be of counsel in voir dire. He'd make sure that jury box was packed with such cementheads that they'd have found Hernandez not guilty and awarded him $10 million in

“Eh..I still would.”