I know a lot will disagree with me, but she should have passed them to him instead of trying to run them back.
I know a lot will disagree with me, but she should have passed them to him instead of trying to run them back.
It’s quite possible she wondering when you are going to actually say something like, “I found an apartment today!”
Maybe....maybe....just maybe...you can pay your own bills and then you wouldn’t have to worry about it.
Serious question: Going by the bands you listed, and the average age of fans of said bands, how do you not already have a couple of teenagers to drive you insane? Most of us are already sending the first wave off to college.
So what’s the alternative for the minority party? And what are the prospects for government in general if everyone decides that the capacity to compromise is a weakness?
as a token boston homer (and someone who works in public finance)...both sides are off base here. The infrastructure was to redo Route 1, increasing traffic access/exit points to the stadium.
Indeed. Who among us hasn’t plowed a shopping cart into the back of an unsuspecting stranger’s legs upon seeing them get away with having too many items in the express checkout lane?
Always stings when they remind you that you’re just part of the help.
This is the purest desire I’ve ever felt in my life to see both sides lose.
Today I learned Kansas State was a “world-class university”.
Something everyone needs to know about Right-to-Work laws whenever they come up on the ballot: They’re always worded in such a way as to make you think, “OK, this is totally reasonable. There’s no reason I should vote against this law.”
Here’s what showed up on Alabama’s ballot in November for an Amendment that put…
Secretary of the Navy because... water?
How coincidental, Triple H will be our bond rating after the Trump Presidency.
I think it’s kind of sad how he sidelined his own best judgment in deference to a figure of authority, an authority whose own judgment is not to be questioned, and it cost him his own better interests while only furthering the narrow interests of the organization that authority represents.
Does anyone at this school do anything right?
Paterno probably could have avoided the injury had he not been too busy looking the other way.
the Indians never quite threatened, but they constantly threatened to threaten
What if the deleted emails were racist? You’d never know because they are deleted.
wait, you think Brazil is the one looking bad here? lol ok
It’s time for the NFLPA to really push for marijuana. This is fucking ridiculous. Let these dudes smoke weed, all of the weed.