Fred G. Sanford

Build the Tarok

$600k for "house" no larger than a studio apartment and on a busy street.  Yikes!  "Work" consisting of driving an Escalade around and shopping in high heels.  

His attitude pretty much describes EVERYTHING happening on planet Earth right now

$25,000 is inexpensive?

Looks like a winner.  Hope they bring it over here.

Same reaction when looking at the Formula 1 BMW 3 series nowadays. Comparing the 1989 preppy, smart, youthful, collegiate 325i to the current mean-looking, jerkmobile with the 3's nameplate makes me shake my head.

Reticent to buy the new Jetta because of its weird front end design, I'd buy this in a heartbeat.  Very sharp! 

Not to deviate, from request protocol, but, here in Chicago the Golf is rarely seen. The Jetta is much more popular. Odd to read this celebratory piece on the Golf.

Thought Cam Newton got married?  Sex is for married (husband and wife, actual biologically born male and female) couples only.  So if he is not married he should not be having sex or living with a woman who is not his wife in the first place.


Saw the new S60 at the auto show last week. Very underwhelming. Looks better, more powerful in photos than in person. Ugly back end ruined the car.

Like what its MSRP should have been when it was brand spankin new.

It looks.....odd. Especially the front end. The designers at VW tend to do that with the Jetta for some reason.

Do Honda dealers ever offer  You can get a deal on just about every make of automobile but Honda.

Now you understand how multi-billion dollar judgements against the likes of VW are laughed at and paid off with pocket change instead of putting them out of business.

Who is buying all these new cars? We live in an area which could be described as ‘all-American’ and although there are dealers every where, we don’t see the number of new cars on the roads each year to even remotely match the inventory all these dealers stock.

Is it 4wd, can I attach a snowplow to it?

Price just keeps going up.

This vehicle design is balanced and classy. BMWs today are gaudy jerk-mobiles. 

The Texans’ defense has been a big disappointment.