My kids are all grown now. This is the best parenting hack I ever pulled off. When kids first start taking meds, they usually can’t get a pill down easily. I went to the store and bought a tube of mini M&Ms and a bag of M&Ms for each kid. Then I gave them a handful of mini’s and told them to eat them. Then I gave…
This whole article reads like it is opinion and is really poorly researched.
I stopped reading when peta was referenced.
Pig ! dog ! loaf of bread !
Our 2 year old pug is I guess what they call a “retro pug” in that shes got a snout and looks like what pugs were prior to be bread for the smushed faces. Shes skinny and tall (long limbs for a pug), much more like a mini boxer than a chunky pug.
I was under that impression too. He had a lot of friends on that CalPoly coaching staff.
I always thought the reason he didn’t fly was because of this:
Thinking about early-to-mid ‘90s Mitsubishi never ceases to make me sad.
Location... Helena Montana FYI. Multiple SCCA Clubs autoX there.
“1,000 horsepower into an old Brat like they should have”
Reading about Sara... good news... feeling good...
You’re not wrong. This is the way.
The VehiCROSS will always be a cool car. I have spoken.
Zoolander was a wonderful movie. It joins films like The Matrix, Anchorman, and The Hangover on the Mt. Rushmore of brilliant films that begged for a quality sequel.
I love stuff like this. Badass.