
Sometimes, the jokes just write themselves. 

Yeah.... HOLY FUCK THIS. I hated GTA online and I’m sure I’ll dislike this too. Keep me on the single player side of things and I’ll be fine.

As you can see, she was allowed to vote due to bureaucratic error, even after she plainly said she was not a citizen.

Ok did you bother to check the plea deal offered? She was offered 2 years probation and ZERO jail time for the crime. So do not act like she was both innocent and railroaded into jail time. Her attorney said she refused 2 plea deals offered to her BOTH included no jail time, and she said no to both understanding that

I think eight years is a bit much, but it’s about time someone went to jail for voter fraud!  Her bullshit excuse that she “didn’t know it was wrong” pales in the light of all the media attention voter fraud gets, especially when it comes to illegals.

I can’t get behind this.

This article and its ‘content’ illustrates why Splinter is an echo chamber.

The cognitive dissonance in this piece is astounding. You present an actual example of voter fraud, then in the next paragraph call the concept of voter fraud a “lie.” I agree that the punishment seems harsh, but to argue that this is all trumped up nonsense is to avoid the facts. 

“Politics is not a game.”

I can’t decide if Nolan is just another naive socialist with delusions of building a utopia or if he’s an evil genius. He’s essentially arguing that it should be legal to falsify information on a government application. This is to support his desire to let anyone enter the country for any reason. Doesn’t matter who

she was allowed to vote due to bureaucratic error

Comrade Nolan is spot on, as usual. Abolish ICE, open the borders, let everyone in and let them all vote. There’ll never be a Republican government again. Illegals of the world, unite behind General Secretary AOC !

Yes, China is a real model for democracy and human rights, in the opinion of far-left whackos like you and Nolan.

She really did nothing wrong, as long as you don’t count falsifying and resubmitting the form, or voting despite knowing that she was ineligible.

Won’t someone think of the poor people forced to try and commit voter fraud, this one really tugs at the heart strings.

Dimitrii, I do not understand why they hate you but take pity on this woman

Voter fraud is not a job for amateurs.

Really?  “ThePeeTree Fartin” is calling other people out for being immature.  Go fuck yourself.

As Marasai pointed out, Fallout 4 really felt like they were mailing it in—and how many times can one company re-release Skyrim before they can be said to be coasting?

I’m not going to deny that Bethesda fundamentally changed the medium on a number of levels, but to behave as if they’re still innovating on the

I’ve worked phone based customer services. You speak true wisdom.