Fredrik Johansen

However Netflix, HBO and others are currently being forced to strike down on VPN use, in a constant cat & mouse game of blocking IPs and establishing new ones. If it was up to the MPAA, VPNs would be completely illegal… But then so would bluray, dvd, cd, cassette tapes, vhs and even televisions.

Not true. Downloading a torrent is actually completely legal i a lot of countries. It's the uploading part that's illegal.

And who is it that has worked for decades to put limits on these licensing deals? ;)

That's such a nonsensical argument.

She completely fails to mention that most of the people who pirated the show, were situated in all kinds of different countries where the show wasn't aired on any channel, and thus whether or not they pirated the show had absolutely no effect on the ratings. She even claims that a "legitimate download for each episode…