
Facebook button's URL is # at the same site. Nothing happens when I press it.

So doctors no longer have to have brains?

While a much dumber example, I admit, I chuckled at Airplane II, right up until the shuttle landed on the moon and people got out and walked on the surface with no suit on. Then I just got pissed.

But what's the max file size? That's important.

"Another, more troubling case, began when a woman complained that her husband didn't show her any emotion whatsoever. Since the brain-injuring accident, he'd seemed to be constantly indifferent. The problem? He wasn't the victim of the accident. She was. Doctors noted how much her husband was doing to care for her,

I sometimes cross my arms when sitting talking to someone for a long period of time because my arms get tired.

Never? You keep using that word; I don't think it means what you think it does.

Yeah, and those ear-bud things? Stuff sticking out of your ears? Never catch on. And holding a phone up to your ear? In PUBLIC? Christ, who would want to do that? Makes you look like a douche. I'll stick to my nice, black mutza suit. It's a shame I have to have that orange triangle on the back of my buggy, though.

>> This can be a serious and frustrating problem.

Have mercy...

I can tell you from personal experience that there is such a thing as too much vitamin C. I took over 2000 mg (more like 2300 with the multi-vitamin) for many years. It kept me from having colds, but I started to get kidney stones. I went back to just the C in the multi-vitamin, and no more kidney stones.

When will the (explicative deleted) store open?

You're *blowing* it wrong.


The only way to transfer someone from their brain to an artificial substrate, without copying, would be to join the brain and the substrate right off the bat. Then, as each neural connection in the brain is copied, destroy it in the biological brain, in the same instant. With the biological portion and the substrate

Last time I was asked that I said, "Chocolate Cake".

This really comes down to whether or not files on a drive are "things" or "speech".

It's because you can't logically prove that something *doesn't* exist. Science creates a hypotheses, then sets about finding evidence to prove it.

I don't like heights either, but I've noticed something - I'm much more afraid of 30' up than 1,000' up. Once you get so high, it's not real anymore. I think I would have an easier time skydiving than I would looking over the rail on the second floor of the mall.

Agreed. But considering the amount of energy we need to even detect it, we're probably back to the "harness the energy output of a star or black hole" - level stuff.