
as somone with bad kidneys, i’m gonna piss at the first available bathroom; end of story. i can’t wait. if anyone gets in my way of using the lavatory in a reasonably timely manner, I’m gonna piss on you. i’m usually flying for work and not leisure and I didn’t have the luxury of choosing what tickets i could buy. you

You’d be surprised how common bladder issues are. It’s embarrassing to talk about because unless they’ve experienced it themselves, many people react like you do: “what are you, a child??”

Groups of people who cannot consistently go 6+ hours without a bathroom include: sick people, diabetics, old people, children,

I can’t speak for anyone but me, when I need to go to the bathroom I get up and go to the bathroom. If I’m in an airplane and I need to go I’ll get up, stand in line then do my business.

Are you actually gatekeeping bladder control?

As a 6'3" dude, fuck Eva so, so hard. Omg they design their planes for 14 year old Asian girls. Fuck.

I also regularly fly first and business, and I’m here to tell you: fuck off. It’s a bathroom. Get over yourself. Who cares where people pee? It doesn’t matter. I have been affected by people using the first class bathroom precisely 0 times.

So no Jack and Coke?  Shit

“Unless you’ve been told otherwise...” Nearly every flight I’ve been on this year they make this announcement after someone has tried to pull this off. if not preemptively. It’s very dumb that they try to segregate a basic service like the bathroom, but I appreciate that they’re trying to provide a higher level of