
I got my first record player for Christmas in 1976 and that week, at the age of 14, and the first album I purchased a few days later was Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band. I'd rank both Sgt. Pepper and Pet Sounds as great albums but I still greatly prefer Sgt. Pepper, although I think Revolver is a bit better

In a Defenders story from the mid-70s, Luke Cage, along with Daredevil & Damien Hellstrom (aka, the Son of Satan) teamed up with regulars the Hulk, Dr. Strange, Valkyrie & Nighthawk to take on Marvel's KKK stand-ins, the Sons of the Serpent.

Trump is has made serious headway to capture the title of our Most Intellectually-Challenged (i.e., Dumbest) President ever. Even W. had more depth, which is not saying much.

Ditko drew and plotted Dr. Strange from 1963 to about mid-1966 and never returned to the character so unless he has some magical skills himself he couldn't have been influenced by "70's psycheldelia" and most of his work on the mag was produced before the era of psychedelic poster art and music really got going,

Run Like Hell

Roger Waters' father was killed during World War II, and Waters never knew him at all. Sid Barrett was a big popstar in England for about a year before he became so eratic and unpredictable as a performer that first the band got David Gilmour as back up support and then, one day, while going to a gig debated whether

Which sounds an awful lot like the riff from The James Gangs' 1970 album track Tend My Garden, written by Joe Walsh.

Which sounds an awful lot like the riff from The James Gangs' 1970 album track Tend My Garden, written by Joe Walsh.