
So, I kinda like TMP. It bears the scars of trying to elongate what was supposed to be a single episode of a new series into a whole movie, but I like a lot of the choices it makes and the way it presents a starfleet strangely different from the one we remember - all the way down to color palate.
Actually, it taking

So, full disclosure, I stopped paying attention part of the way through this, but does it necessarily follow that there have to be infinite instances - or any instances at all - of any one thing in infinite universes? The common example that gets thrown around is that there are an infinite amount of numbers between 3

I always took it to suggest that the Jedi, while ostensibly the heroes, weren't always all that much better than the Sith as far as being open to new ideas and stuff in a We're good, they're evil, that's that sort of way.

Spoilers for Boardwalk Empire follow: