Fred Greenwood

“We pay literally hundreds of millions of dollars in taxes. We don’t even want government subsidies. We just want to be left alone and the government can’t help itself but to, like: ‘Here’s an oil company driving their oil tanker into some rocks, making a living, you know, living their dream, let’s try to ruin that as

Would their “slow, sad wind down into automaker nothing” make them a Mitsubishi Zero?

Man... it’s only March, and somehow you’ve already won the award for dumbest comment of 2021.

What the fuck is wrong with you?

What the fuck?

You’re probably going to fucking die in a flaming mass of splattered flesh and crumpled bones with the jetpack, but it still beats flying with United.

“I am a rocket, man”

Hello! I’m interested to hear an anti-UAW argument! Or an anti-union argument in general! This comment is neither.

Hey folks! Please use the comments to talk about the games you like and the ones you wish got more attention this decade!

Here with my popcorn for the train wreck of comments 

It’s not a Death Trap. Maybe at speed there is a Death Rattle. The rear spoiler gives some Uplift, and you lose traction Down Below. It’s a HARD RIDE.

There are a lot of rotory guys having a real Wankel fest right now to this.

I’m sure the Social Historians, Zaeger and Evans,  in the Year 2525 will note the curious void of fireworks pics in your library and wonder what the deal was?

The inclusion of Yakety Sax seems to lessen the tastefulness of not using the footage.

That's funny. I thought NASCAR went left.

“Well shoot. I kinda want to see it, but I ain’t seen the 65 movies comin’ before.”

I have seen the historical documents.

Yeah it’s mentioned in the Nascar documentary ‘Talladega Nights’

neat things about our sport, is those guys’ ability to outfox Johnny Law.

Is it just me or is it always guys who don't get into fights talk about ripping off ears and gouging eyes?