Fred Fuchs

Because her PR people didn't finish the surveys until this morning. 

“1 Obama trip to Hawaii costs more than all the golf outings Trump has gone on..”

Then it would seem you don't understand. 

If you don’t understand why certain brands would rather not be associated with Dipshit45 by now, then explaining it to you know probably won't help. 

“Let’s put it this way: there is obviously an issue with hyperdrive missiles, or it would be ludicrous to even consider building the death star to begin with.”

1. No. Lucas had no idea what he was doing when he made up the Death Star. It’s not like he figured out the natural physical impossibility of hyperdrive engines on an object. He just didn’t know any better. This wasn’t a real thing that occurred. No one really built a Death Star.

1. It can’t be a new concept if people thought about it before the technology exists. It’s just that Lucas liked big laser over actual military tactic. Ships rammed ships in ancient Greek naval warfare. Self-propelling weapons exist today. Same concept just using modern technology. The Republic and Empire would

Any style of sword fighting between two unarmored people would be incredibly fast and brutal. But, you're right. It would last seconds. 

That’s what anyone would say about our technology 1000 years ago. 

Fine. Don't use the word future. Use the idea that they're 10,000 years more advanced. Still accurate. 

She was 14, he was 9. When they meet again, she is 24, he is 19. They had zero contact in those 10 years. 

Yeah. That should be almost every battle.

They should. It's dumb that they wouldn't. Even more dumb that Han had no idea the Force was a real thing 

Or Lucas was just lazy and didn’t bother to think about the future beyond shit that was already in sci-fi at the time. It’s why, with all their tech, they’re still way beyond the modern world in a lot of ways. If he had bothered to talk to any sort of credible futurist, the movies would be a lot better. 

I’ll buy the lightsaber if anyone using one knew what the fuck they were doing with it. From Obi-wan and Qui-Gon not understanding that taking turns against a guy isn't going to do anything, to never using your Force powers to aid your fight, to just flailing around like a fucking idiot, yeah, they were impractical in

You wouldn’t need a giant rock. Take a ball of iron the size of a house, stick a hyperdrive on it, and aim it at a target (including a planet). You can throw 50 of them at a planet if you’re scared they’ll get shot down (they won’t).

Sounds like you're beginning to figure out that Lucas, while great at world building, was garbage at telling a detailed story. 

Aurelio's has the best antipasto salad, too. So so good. 

Edwardo's is the greatest.