Fred Fuchs

There’s no way Marvel is taking out all of the GotG crew (save Rocket). There’s no way they’re letting anyone stay dead. There’s a reason no one is talking about it. It’s because we know they love money. And keeping their established characters alive equals money. We can talk about what’s at stake and what really

I’m pretty sure these drawings might just be his script for IW.

Not enough chest hair or crazy cool medallions.

Just focus on the upper lip.

I don’t know why he killed off so many heroes. Those fuckers almost never eat or go to the bathroom. They’re some of the most environmentally-friendly people in the universe. If the whole universe were just superheroes all you’d need is some occasional booze and shawarma.

All I know is that every person killed that has a movie in the works, or that comes back simply to come back makes IW kind of a useless movie.

3D chess? Giuliani is playing checkers on a 3x3 board while starting in the middle.

Well, it is representing both boobs and a dick. So, equality!

Not only that, but it will last 4 days and impregnate women if they look at it directly.

Also: Pluto is a planet. Fight me.

Simple answer:

Didn’t they make the point in GotG2 that the death of Ego meant Quill essentially lost everything about him that wasn’t human? I know they said he’d be mortal now.

I’m just glad they never kill anyone in the MCU.

You’re quite welcome.

Just don’t think about the fact that if we truly are the only life forms in the entire universe that, not only is that an incredible waste of space (no pun intended), but the universe dies if the Earth dies. With nothing to observe it, it can’t be said to exist.

“We are stardust. We are golden.”

Circle of life.

The Q are a Type IV civilization. Star Trek is borderline II. Star Wars is a solid Type II.

Hopefully in a good way.