Fred Fuchs

WW was good, but I can’t agree with it being especially good. Any Marvel movie was pretty much better. WW screwed up with the final fight and main villain. WW wasn’t bad or anything, and it did some things pretty great, but there were just too many flaws in there to argue for a nomination.

 But, using your argument, the best of a group you don’t seem to enjoy doesn’t make something nomination worthy.

 Which (as a man raised by strong women and who served with strong women in the army) is something I still have a hard time grasping. And I know it’s harder for women to grasp that bullshit logic, but I cannot accept that is the norm. I just can’t. It’s ridiculous.

I’ll disagree about the DC stuff, but only because I’m a DC fan since I was little.

 It’s on my (very long) list. Having two kids under 7 doesn’t leave much time for adult programming. I had to watch Breaking Bad mostly on my phone at night.

 But then you have people who actively denied the Holocaust, Jews that aided the Nazis, pardoning Nazis in exchange for research or work, benefiting from Nazi research done on living people, and so on.

That is true. Now everyone’s a potential victim.

 But now I know to expect pee coffee. Which, we can all agree, is the best surprise.

Yes, I agree a woman should’ve been nominated (and won, frankly), but not Jenkins.

 Well, thanks for spoiling Fargo. I guess I’ll never watch it now.

I know the reason for the past discrepancy. I worded my question wrong. I meant to ask more about the current generation. I meant, are there currently more women trying to break into directing in a significant number to move the imbalance, or is it a field that will just naturally be in a state of imbalance even if

I get that. I know a large part of this is that things take time to change. I was more curious as to if things want to drastically change. Are there more female students aiming to be directors now? Are there enough women coming into school and graduating with the intent of wanting to direct to change the balance? I


I mean miscast in the fight. Perfectly cast right up until the reveal.

If he changed from British guy to, you know, something intimidating, the same fight is instantly better.

 Yeah, it was great right up to the point where they used him to film the actual fight. Then it became, “Oh, they’re sticking with Professor Lupin as the God of War? Cool. Greek gods are old British men.”

Which makes no sense given how popular women are in Hollywood. I can name dozens of famous women who weren’t even around before I was born, but I can only name maybe 8 men? Not that popularity directly translates to competency, but it’s clear women drove Hollywood for decades.

But what’s the ultimate reason for lack of female directors? I know in the past it was straight sexism, but in recent years have there been an influx of women to the point where they’re becoming more equal to the number of men coming in?

Yeah, I’ll give you that for sure. Mainly because Ares was miscast like no other.

As good as WW was, it wasn’t that good that Jenkins deserved a nomination for it. It was a really good action/superhero movie, but that’s about as far as that goes.