Fred Fuchs

I mean, let’s be honest. This seems way more plausible since January than ever before. I think we can all figure out at least a few reasons why the current administration would let this go to some degree. If this were released 3 years ago, it would seem insane that this kind of thing were happening. Now? Not so much.

Maybe you shouldn’t try eating them, dummies.

I think Bethesda was just working with simplicity. It’s easier to go with a general name for a fake weapon than try and figure out the exact proper term.

Technically no. But there’s an argument for the generalized term “rifle” that might apply to any weapon held or fired as if it were am actual rifle.

 The fuck do you have against rainbows?

Good enough for Sideshow Bob, good enough for all of us.

I remember when the pirate used to chase the woman.

Romo sits down as the game begins, immediately shatters his spine.

Looks like he has no plates in, either. Enjoy dying.

Not to mention they had, what I (as a Chicago fan) consider one of the single best helmet designs of all time. I’ll see a signed Oilers helmet at the sports store up here, and I’ll get sad they don’t exist.

Come to Colorado. Dipshits go shopping with their families at Target with a pistol on their hip. You’re covered here.

There’s a lot of delusional Bears fans willing to finish that sentence for you.

 Glennon is a Bag of Fucking Assholes.

 Because it was easier to scapegoat him than admit that the defense was utter garbage. A lot of the fans I knew would blame Cutler for things like losing two back-to-back games where the other teams both scored over 50. Or Jay would have a great start and Green Bay would just score on every drive and they’d blame him

He knows how to button a jersey like a big boy.

They made him DH. How are we not supposed to enjoy this level of bullshit?

Come to Colorado. They sell it (at the store I go to) in what are best described as large film containers. It’s like weed Tupperware.

Yeah, this isn’t that uncommon. Once you get past the immediate suburbs there is nothing around Chicago.

Something tells me they wouldn’t welcome “his kind” anyways.