The option to not sign with the Browns is always the correct option.
The option to not sign with the Browns is always the correct option.
So it’s just continuing the tradition of Batman killing people. Which has always happened.
One Dr might preferred or not over another, but, as a whole, the series can do no wrong.
-Zod kicked the tanker. Not Superman’s fault.
I haven’t seen it. Because it isn’t it yet. You do know that, right?
No, it doesn’t. Show me the fan backlash over Winter Soldier like there was over Man of Steel, even though Superman wasn’t responsible for 99% of the destruction. I’ll wait.
I’m glad Civil War will be about the fans reacting to Winter Soldier.
So Marvel fans hate DC because DC is doing what Marvel should be doing?
-No one was near the tanker or inside the garage.
Oh, I’m glad they finally carried out over after, how many movies? Nothing from The Avengers has carried over (except Stark having PTSD), or any Iron Man movie, or Age of Ultron, or The Incredible Hulk, or Thor 2.
Most of the damage in Metropolis was due to the World Engine. The rest was Zod. But, sure, Superman.
So I have to watch a TV show to her a resolution on the movie? And people give DC shit.
Yeah, that’s why the Avengers were allowed to operate in the open, advertising themselves in a giant building. Because people held them accountable for anything they did. Movie fans held Superman more accountable for killing a genocidal maniac than anyone in the MCU ever did to the Avengers.
I’m glad to finally find the person who speaks for literally everyone. Thanks.
Oh, that’s adorable. Steve kills thousands and they add in a line to cover it up like he and the rest of the Avengers don’t just fuck shit up constantly. If that’s what you want to believe, have fun just buying what they’re selling. Never question anything.
It’s cute you think only 23 people died from that. Aww.
Oh no. This is so inexcusable. If only we lived in a country where this sorry of thing was unheard of and not completely normal. How will I go on?
Oh, he’s going to jail for murdering thousands of people? No? Okay.
The ones where Superman and Batman both blatantly murdered people? No, thanks.
When he crashed three giant helicarriers into downtown Washington DC.