And one casualty as a direct result of Superman’s actions. Zod.
And one casualty as a direct result of Superman’s actions. Zod.
Like the Avengers forcing people to serve them while dead bodies and debris lay everywhere.
Yeah, show me that footage of Superman being solely responsible for any of that.
But do the fans? I’ve read several articles on these sites about how Superman fucked it all up. But not one about Captain America personally killing more innocent people than all DC heroes combined. It’s insane how much a free pass Marvel gets from the fans, while DC movies can’t have a single thing happen without it…
Show me one building in Metropolis that Superman knocked down. I’ll wait.
You mean like how the Avengers went out for food while thousands of New Yorkers died?
Movies. Obviously the best Waynes are West and Conroy.
That’s a great interpretation. The DC movies also allow their heros to really fuck up. They have to answer for things they did. Batman had to go into hiding, Superman has to live with killing Zod.
It’s not Batman that’s difficult, it’s Bruce Wayne. Only Keaton and Bale really do Wayne any justice.
On the Gawker sites, anything DC is inherently bad unless it’s a TV show. But those TV shows are nothing compared to Marvel shows, which have nothing on Dr Who. Dr Who is the default standard of greatness in TV. The MCU is the default standard of greatness in movies and will never be held to any sort of standard like…
I can’t wait to buy that Batman Anthology and throw away all of them except for Batman.
I can’t wait to buy that Batman Anthology and throw away all of them except for Batman.
Okay. But what about the rest of the movie? That’s literally one part.
The thing is, trailers then were not as big and dissected as they are today. Trailers today reveal way too much, are more important, and there are way too many of them. Knowing this, the trailer for the new Ghostbusters is not a good sign for the future movie because it gives us everything we need to know. You’re…
The Cubs just can’t win anything.
The lipstick.
When I joined the army and got sent to my first unit, I only knew one other guy from training. Everyone in the unit has just gotten back from Bosnia three months before, so they were a tight group. My buddy was married and I was still single. About two weeks into being in there unit one of the tankers came up to me…
Why would I think that? I don’t care either way.
The offensive coordinator.
It’s like the military.