Fred Fine

"The prehistoric origins of an underground boxing ring" already exists as Lucha Underground.

Seeing Dario Cueto in Vision make-up makes the whole thing worth while.

What happened to the Lucha Underground review we were promised last week? I demand answers!

Hey, What happened to the Lucha Underground review we were promised?

The opening narration is not Major Calloway. It's Carol Reed as an unidentified narrator. That's why he talks about participating in black market.

This is the single best season-finale cliffhanger I have ever seen. Michael Chiklis's delivery, and Walton Goggins's face…shit.

Francis Dolarhyde looks really good in that picture.

I'm a little surprised that John Updike watches Galaxy Quest.

"Quick, let's get out of here before one of those things kills Guy."

"It's all real."
"I KNEW it!"

"I mean, my TV Guide interview was six paragraphs about my BOOBS and how they fit into my suit."

"You have a last name, Guy!"
"Do I? DO I?"

Doing something called "Mad Dogs" is just rubbing it in.

One can never play too much Grim Fandango.

Well, I don't know about the rest of you, but I'm going to go play Grim Fandango again.

Why hasn't Michael Bay made that into a movie yet?

When I got the Complete Calvin & Hobbes, I was astounded to find that there are only three Tracer Bullet stories. The character is so memorable, I always thought he was a much bigger part of the strip.

Does anyone else think it's weird that the leading voice of the new sincerity is named Faust?

I for one welcome our Luigi overlords.

I signed everybody's yearbook with verses from Bob Dylan's Desolation Row.