
I don’t think we can call what Barsanti does “obsessive in-universe continuity”, because that would require him to actually pay attention.

Calm down, this isn’t Screenrant.

lol this article 

You got me dying over here with the photo discription. Lol. “Unknown actors”!! Ha ha. Oh Man. I needed that laugh. Thank you Gizzy. 

Now playing

NPH rode a unicorn so JCVD could FLY. I saw this film in theatre and it blew me away. JCVD is right up there with Man Bites Dog as the best genrefuck / fourth-wall-breaking / what am I even watching / still in my top ten best films of all time.

I believe this was Dowd’s way of respecting the spoiler embargo but confirming the rumours that Kraven the Hunter will appear played by Dame Judi Dench.

While Garfield just kind of stands to the side, nodding approvingly.

There’s something fun about reading reviews written within the confines of info embargoes. Media reviews already have to be careful about discussing content without spoiling major moments, leaving discussion somewhat vague. But embargoed content? Reviews become whispy, airy. People are already excited for the film, so

Found these nuggets in his posting history:

Im getting a couple red flags from that comment.

I’d like to hear more, if only because your comment is both oddly specific and unsupported by any evidence.

6 feet 6 furious

You’re too good for Kinja

The moral of this story is if you are a fan of these shows, watch them as soon as possible. Because the instant they drop on the streaming service, there’s no way to know who has watched, who hasn’t, or what might be spoiled when. That even goes for the people who are in the show itself.

I guess I always read that as the initials of his birth name (Marshall Mathers) that also happened to be the name of a popular candy.

I see Microsoft has been hiring management from RealNetworks. Maybe the next Edge release will have a new album by U2. Edge on Edge!

I love when they cockup and an episode plays the sections out of order (or repeats a section causing the ending to be missed), or you just get a rerun of the previous weeks episode because someone cocked up what they uploaded to the playout machine.

I like your tinfoil hat

As someone who works in the kind of business where you have to place video into server placeholders for broadcast, I’m actually surprised it doesn’t happen MORE.

Nine employees is the majority of Image employees. Unions demonstrate legitimacy by signing union cards; calling for a vote is a stalling tactic.