
Avengers 5: Continuity War

Probably because people would assume ‘Starro’ was the antagonist in the My Little Pony Movie.

I think his larger point is if we’re going to classify it we would be closer with documentary than horror or comedy, with the understanding that none of these fit the movie 100%.

I can’t believe that the awards ceremony that began and has continued as a foreign correspondents coke-and-orgy party can’t get their shit straight.

You have no idea what you are talking about, and looking at your other posts on this subject, you aren’t even arguing in good faith. Let me claim the haughty position of authority of an actual real-life physician and tell you that you are clueless, and for your own good, actually do some research instead of spouting

Glad I’m not the only one set off by that. It’s something I hear all the time in the Whole Foods/Alternative medicine town I live in. “my doctor says I have such-and-such moderate to serious illness, but I know I’ll be fine because of all the antioxidants and kombucha that I eat.”

This review was a joy to read. Thank you.

Maybe so, but if you read TheFuriousFive’s comment (everyone make fun of this guy, but also allow me to post now because I’m five years old and need attention) and follow other threads, it’s not wrong. So much stupid shit that shouldn’t be acknowledged gets ungrayed here so people can collectively shit on them, while

Go back to school, herb:

So, I had this theory about Daenerys and her dragons. I know she calls them her children, but think they are extensions of her. Like the personification of her rage and pain at everything she’s been through and endured. That’s why she seems on the wooden side; it’s because her emotions are conveyed through the

pull the dick off a chocolate mouse

Yeah, let’s blame it on those pesky millenials! Let’s not blame it on a range of motorcycles where the lightest weighs as much as the Death Star, the cheapest is still fucking expensive, the most powerful couldn’t pull the dick off a chocolate mouse, the most sporty has the dynamic prowess of a bag of shot badgers and

See? This right here is why the cookout is cancelled.

Obviously man. It’s always been about economic anxiety.

But what else could it be about? Hopefully a shit ton of greys can explain this complex issue to me.

Really makes you think this backlash isn’t about respecting the country at all, doesn’t it?

I’ve never starred a comment so fast in my life.

I gave up on Discovery after the first episode.

I am the shallowest person to ever live but even in a genre known for pushing human anatomical perfection that is a breathtakingly beautiful cast.

Is it seriously so hard to put the grade in the header image for the new reviews?