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    to be fair - most of the writers who gave the film bad reviews in that RT screenshot are... not great film critics.

    Although I appreciate the review, I’ve always found FAMs final episodes to be it’s strongest, so I’m still all in.

    Dude? They are really proud of their work???

    So are you saying they should give Nick Fury powers or...? Not centre a show around him?

    I’m always really curious why alot of people are so pressed for Krakoa to end. Basically here to see if anyone has any reasoning :/

    Very exciting for them to be on board for Skeleton Crew.

    The Leftovers is in the conversation for the best TV series of all time.

    Disco... made me like Trek. For that, I’ll miss it. Big swings and very, very messy. But alotta fun.

    Sir, this is a blog.

    I was hoping they might have put together the Station Eleven comic for this release, but I guess I’ll have to snap this one up.

    I can’t believe I’m asking for a slideshow on a Kinja site but...

    There’s... a lot of Camila stanning I don’t have the energy to unpack here but I just needed to note...

    This... is sarcasm, right?

    If this is a “large corporations shouldn’t exist” argument then yeah sure, I can see that.

    Can’t understand this erm anti-craft take but sure?

    All jokes aside, this is some Disney BS.

    Yeah this deserves a correction tbh I actually stopped reading here :/

    I just think a lot of people who are criticising this move don’t really understand the Brit’s, or specifically, the Daily Heil.

    You do know you’re posting a B+ review, right?

    I cannot really engage with this because it’s not clear you’ve watched non Marvel films that he’s in...