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    It’s treading water when you’re making demands on what other people do with their own time...

    I am never watching this video, but for anyone clicking, you’re probably looking for this:

    OMG, yes!!!

    It feels like it has to ‘put up’ with being a comic book show

    I would struggle to see how the show has posited Daemon as a good guy, and the charge wasn’t exactly heroic.

    • For All Mankind: The Grey, written by Matt Wolpert and Ben Nedivi; directed by Sergio Mimica-Gezzan (Tall Ship Productions/Sony Pictures Television)

    “The most beloved characters in Game of Thrones, like Davos or Tormund,”

    I... don’t think those kids would be coming for the football anymore, ya know?

    I mean, I adore the current X books, but “friendly clubhouse” Krakoa made me giggle. Good call.


    I don’t think after watching the show you could say she likes things the way they are? Am I missing something?

    I just don’t think Coogler would make that film. 

    They filmed season one and two back to back, basically. Still made me raise an eyebrow, mind.

    I’ve been convinced for year Kinja has been in managed decline so Span can kill the comments :/

    ...I mean...

    I’m just gonna imagine Spanfella is demanding more Marvel content and you’re not happy about it.

    This is a weird angle when people who have screeners say the first episode of the season is... really great?

    I really want to read what this was actually a reply to?

    “the woke left decides is their white savior talking point of the week

    I almost didn’t click, but you might want to highlight it’s the Mac version, too.