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    Did Emperor Day not execute a whole bunch of people and torched two planets?

    Just waiting for the hardback: Breihan, collected.

    Just as a curiosity thing, what made you switch to iOS, knowing this?

    I mean I was following until you linked to the Express I mean I looked down on that rag when I was a paperboy.

    [insert noise about Kinja still, somehow, being broken]

    I am one and I groaned so hard.

    The David E Lee involvement is going to either be the worst or best thing to happen to this and really I have no idea.

    This show is vastly underrated by people who stopped after the first three episodes. The acting is top class and I trust Mimi in whatever she does.

    In what world is the MCU Wakanda not a response to the this xenophobic superiority the west has, when you really think about it.

    You just described my descent from BLL2 to this omg this is perfect.

    Hey AKA. (And jmyoung123 and Wastrel!). Thanks for that. I’ll slide a few eps into my queue based on that.

    I read these recaps regularly without watching the show and had no idea Joel was in it.

    This bums me out the same way GLOW hitting the can did.

    Heh see.

    Filed under: reasons I don’t work in blockchain anymore.

    <blockquote> I don’t know, it’s like I can’t unhear the prior song order or something. It had much more of an epic feel. “Jail,” the version with Jay-Z, being the opening record feels too early. The point is, I have no idea why Kanye changed up the track listing but now it sounds like a different album and one that

    On this record, there is none of the production genius we’ve come to expect from West.

    Can’t believe I burned my “lads, it’s Tottenham” comment already last week so I’ll settle for:

    But hey, it’s got a great cast and good marketing, so it’s going to sell well, get the attention of the film industry, be awarded a few BAFTAs and be generally lauded as the Citizen Kane of videogames by people who never played it, or do not have the videogame culture to know what makes a good game

    He’s here!