
What is even more astonishing to me is the fact the the book was written almost in its entirety before even gaining an editor & publisher. The only changes made after the fact were to increase setting details and other minor adjustments.

If you get stuck in a train you can pit and ask the marshals to insert you where there is more running room in front. If you are catching up with the pack that often you are in the wrong rungroup.

You’re going to recommend some get a hybrid from the company that took from 1985 to 2003 to design a power window regulator that didn’t fail all the time? Brave.
I’m going to continue driving my ‘12 Passat TDI, and will continue doing so after the recall. On the Passats anyway I expect it to be software only , and not

Officials are more important than you, please confirm you’ve understood that message

Cultivate a friendship with a private shop owner. Never take it back to the dealer.

In F1, drivers pick their numbers.

In the history of Deadspin posts, THIS is the one you have a problem with?

Have you ever played Kinja? Because you’re awful at it.

This watch may look ok if you do your watch shopping at Macy's, but it's still a long way off for those of us who are interested in nice Swiss watches.

Fucking well done.

I always found it interesting how whenever you see threads or articles with “best tips” for track days and general track driving, nobody ever talks about taking it easy in the straights. Yes, mashing the throttle on a straight is much easier than perfectly apexing a corner, but you’re far more likely to kick the can

*sees headline*

Steve - “However these chaps go no further”

I hope he's alright. He doesn't deserve this. As for the bullfighter, fuck that guy.

“The car’s damaged”

I don’t recall the laughing. I recall the ridicule of over pricing. Then the competitors came along, and forced improvements.

god, I hate the cowboy hat BS at the COTA race. Austin is as much a cattle town as Boston.

Lose traction?, never lift!, go sideways?, never lift!, jump curb?!, never lift!!, OKAY now I'm in control!, never think about lifting!, spin again and lose wheel?! AHH zero fucks given, NEVER LIFTTT!!?1!?!1..............