
No, it's a new design and there are a few differences. Off the top of my head: direct injection, chain drive, takes regular gas instead of premium, slightly different hp and tq.

I learned the hard way to not to ever rubberneck. I was simply a passenger, so my attention did not need to be given to the actual task of driving. A collision had just recently occurred, dust still in the air from the off roaded vehicles. Since it was fresh, everyone was stopped, and after about 5 minutes, we slowly

It ticks alot of boxes but the price is just a bit high... the auction claimed it to be a "collector's E30" but if I was a collector I'd want lower miles... so it seems like it would likely be a DD and at that price and sketchy ability to register I'm not seeing $13,500... $10k might be NP

I ordered an Autodromo Monoposto for myself last summer when they were available and was really blown away by the whole experience. Bradley's watch is second best in my collection only to the Omega Speedmaster given to me by my wife on our wedding day. You can tell he put a lot of work into the design and sourcing.

I wish they were automatic though.

I wonder how many people are going under the covers in the dark to watch this like porn. Mastürburgring?

1. Why couldn't Pirelli get a rendering of a 2014 car for their slick CGI video?

As a software engineer, I think hacking an F1 car on the track could potentially be done indirectly. As stated, they transmit back to the pits all kinds of information. My first point of attack would be at that data stream. Modify it so it appears a critical part is nearing failure, forcing an unplanned pitstop.

I know that the Manta always had to be set up really soft because it understeered horribly. There's a clip of Vatanen describing what it was like, which I can't find atm, but the progression of a corner was something like: brake, turn the wheel, understeer, keep turning, more understeer, get on the power, snap

And have poor people clogging up the slopes. No, this is a sport for the privileged like Polo, Yachting, and Endangered Species Hunting.

Walter Rohrl opinion on today's Monte.

"It has changed completely. Both the length of the event, and the number of stages. In Monte Carlo we had 47 stages, and 40 different ones. Today they have six or seven stages, that they do three times. That means today it is a little more like race driving than rally driving.