
My family bred dogs when I was a kid and my parents had a few situations where pets ran away from their new owners. My mom had a trick that worked really well — put a crate or box out where the dog was last spotted with something in it that smells like you. Some food and water wouldn’t hurt either. More often than

An easier approach to migrating to a hidden SSID is to change the name but leave it set to broadcasting until you have connected all your devices. Once they’re connected, turn the SSID off.

The REAL story here is that VW thinks it will be around in 5 years.

Stef is my...

Hold off on judgement until you see the french fries it makes. Pop the hood and push the potato through the grill right next to the headlight.

You say you’re an amateur racer, and if that racing involves turns and braking, this might not be the greatest option be able to complete a full lap. But honestly, just look at that burnout in the picture above. This has to be the right answer, right?

VERY much looking forward to this! At the risk of sounding lame, I’d really like to see a Spec Boxster series based on the PCA series. I’ll be a little disappointed if iRacing bangs the users for $14.95 for each Porsche!

Blowing this up on the interwebs BEFORE he turns it in greatly increases his odds of VW making an example out of the guy. Worst case scenario, he has his buddies over for a shoddy rebuild and turns it in a couple of days later.

He calls this a strip job? WRONG! I see some brake fluid in the resivour.

If they poach Kevin Mag from Haas, I’m gonna be pissed!

Stef, as someone that gets news pushed out to them from several different sources on F1, I’m pleased to tell you that you got the jump on all of the. It wasn’t until half way through reading your piece my phone started blowing up with the news.

Bahahah, as if this car could go fast enough to create any downforce with that wing!

The absence of evidence is not the evidence of absence.

You sure you didn’t drink tonic water?

If you are new to track days, do not go to a “run what you brung” track event that lacks class room instruction OR FULL TIME INSTRUCTORS! Do not run at a track day that does not require a complete technical inspection of your car (and all the others) by a mechanic. If you are doing this right (read safely), you show

I’ve been walking around in a haze since I first heard the news. This site has been a part of my life in a level that sites like FB could never reach. It’s affect on my life is something that only other users can truly understand. The annual best of the year lists were the source of so many new bands and sounds that

For the love of God, there must be a better way! I love how the exit ports are individually bigger than the in-bound port. Leave it to Mazda...

Mind = blown.

Made from a pic of my actual dash! :)

Nissan has no concerns about symmetry!