
02 and 03 WRXs were being stolen at an alarming rate when they first came out. Subaru did owners no favors by making it easily to pull back the glass in the window and pop the lock with a stick. Having the horn/alarm wire within clipping distance of some wire cutters made it simple to silence the alarm. Personally, I

I still have PTSD over attending last year’s race. It will be a good long while before I can even think about attending another F1 race.

Speaking of chili... What about dried beans?

So, the pan is what, about 550F while you’re arranging dough and putting sauce and toppings on it? You’re brave! This might be a bit outside the comfort zone of people that are wrestling with pizza dough for the first time. Besides the danger of a serious burn, I suspect you are losing many BTUs while you do all this

So, the pan is what, about 550F while you’re arranging dough and putting sauce and toppings on it? You’re brave!

Don’t forget to get a pizza peel if you buy this stone. If you have a flat cookie sheet without sides, you can use it in place of a peel. The stone MUST be in the oven while it is on full wack in order to get all the benefits. Removing the hot stone and trying to build a pizza on it and put it back is a really bad

Don’t forget to get a pizza peel if you buy this stone. If you have a flat cookie sheet without sides, you can use

The jaw dropper from the dyno sheet is NOT max HP and TQ. It’s how quickly the HP and TQ come on. Compare the numbers at 3000 RPM. Pre-tune it’s 200/240, post tune 330/430. That will pucker your butt dyno into a black hole. Edit: Dang it. MF called out the same thing in his instagram post. He’s a really smart guy.

The date was Christmas Eve 2015. The place was my In Law’s. There’s 3 Mustangs parked out front along side my Focus ST. Conversation rolled around to the new Mustang. I mention that had it been available when I bought the ST, I would be driving an ecoboost Mustang. The needle skipped off the Nat King Cole Christmas

Anyone else hear the race engineer from iRacing in their head when they watch this? “They say you’ve cut the corner...”

Clearly, another 1.5 degrees of angle on the rear wing would have keep the tires hooked up.

Apparently, they don’t put much value on visibility out the front windshield. I love how they went to so much trouble on all the exterior design and mechanics and then just threw in the stock interior with some recaros (that will never fit a solider in full gear).

I thought you were going to say, “Please don’t be that guy and flip the car you bought for MSRP for a $10k markup.”

Pizza dough is stupid easy to make. 3 cups flour, 2 tblsp of yeast, 1/3 cup of oil, 1 cup of water. By the time you’ve pre-heated the oven, the dough is ready. Not to mention how long it takes to defrost the supermarket stuff.

It’s illegal in my state (NJ) to kill a hive or swarm of honey bees.

You get extra points for leaving the tire mounted. Well done!

CP for the seats alone.

It’s been a while since I’ve watched a MT piece. They’ve really stepped up their game! Kudos!

Anthony, my track rat buddies tell me that some hairspray on the mating surfaces of the charge pipe will help it from popping off! Has the team been able to wrap their head around the idea that they suffered the most devastating loss in modern motor sports history? Did Feilpe’s dad send you all a bunch of Humbolts as

More importantly, who would schedule a Austin Powers costume party on 9/11?

Help me out here. How is blocking 1/3 of of the air flow around the intercooler with the ricey alternative plate mount a good idea?

The headline should be “It takes a CLS to kill the driver of a 7-series.”