If you feel the need to say that it’s a “serious endeavor,” it probably is not. Nine months away and all they could produce was a block of styrofoam?
If you feel the need to say that it’s a “serious endeavor,” it probably is not. Nine months away and all they could produce was a block of styrofoam?
Who says minivans don’t have a good turning radius?!
Headlights optional?
Sorry, this is not a segment I really have any interest in at all. Having said that, since when did an SUV become just a car with higher window sills? Seriously, what makes this an SUV? The pathetic ground clearance looks like it was created by just putting longer springs on it — dat wheel gap! The front facade looks…
FanBoost aside, the racing has been pretty amazing so far this season. And this coming from the guy that only started tuning in to watch the inevitable driver trip over his radio cord and bust ass trying to get from one car to the other as quickly as possible. In all seriousness, this ePrix stuff brings in a whole new…
Will someone close to him please do the right thing and burn down the Fortress of Ineptitude during the next race weekend?
Fast forward to November and you will get your wish! Sombreros for the podium!
HA! I wrote an article called “Think Twice Before You Rent a Car in Italy” about 6 months ago after getting back from 2 weeks of carting my wife and in-laws around the country-side. It’s still sitting on my hard drive. We arranged to have a GPS in our car — it only spoke Italian.
The should have embossed the letters in reverse so that you had a properly oriented badge impression on your back after a long drive.
"Hello, Maaco I need to have my blurple FocuST resprayed NOW!"
And where is the film of all this with slowmo cutaway shotts of rain drops hitting fluorescent lights in a cloudy mist?
I was so used to the under bite on my 13, that I didn't even notice.
I wouldn't call that front fascia a "redesign." It's more of a "Hey, let's invert the angles on these meaningless pieces of plastic so that new buyers don't feel like they're buying a 3 year old car."
Well done on the front end, Ford! It seems like every pickup truck being made right now is in some sort of contest to have an uglier front end than the rest.
Is the lack of other cars running Falkens an advantage to the team or a disadvantage?
I'm not sure what they meant by it being a time consuming job. It took less than 10 mins according to the video.
Fuck, man. Where's the NSFW tag!?!?