
OMG, YES!!!! And here I thought I was the ONLY one who thought this.

Many times, I think, Spielberg REALLY has a funny idea/joke that he just HAS to put up on the screen. That whole “Tickets on the German blimp” scene in “The Last Crusade” feels like it was put in because Spielberg had a joke that he felt would make a

Unexplained grief: A retired Doctor Jones finally has “time for love” but the plumbing is Out of Order.

Here’s the thing: “X” was a horror film. “Pearl” is a dramatic character study with violence, NOT a horror film. Did anyone ever call “Taxi Driver” or “American Psycho” a horror film when they were released?

I’m a Reese’s Christmas Trees fan. The whole candy has a taller, stronger profile and that makes it sturdier than the pumpkins and eggs, which many times look like someone sat on them. Hearts run a close 2nd.’s a sign of the times. Just like when I worked fast food in the 80's and we ALL brought our portable TVs to work to watch The MTV.