Yeah, but is a hot dog a sandwich?
Conjunction Gumption, what’s your formation?
All pigs and produce are female and gay. It’s very costly to not only determine this (genitalia on lettuce is especially rough, don’t get me started on their sexual orientation), but to prepare them, but I hear it’s delicious.
I laughed, too.
It sounds really interesting and I’ve started characters twice, but it’s just really grindy from a noob perspective. All the worst of WoW x 100. Don’t get me wrong, as a young single guy, I would have played the shit outta this, but as married father of two young children, the time sink to find this enjoyable just…
Until the whole set comes out, it’s hard to say what cards are good or not. I can remember a couple of HS podcasters adamantly stating Reno was a garbage card that would never see play, for example. The meta will change, smart deckbuilders will work their magic, the games will be fun, the games will be frustrating,…
Not that’s there’s anything wrong with it in the context of, man, that’s cool. However, there is something to be said for peeps rolling around as their favorite character in a clearly homemade, amateur hour getup as opposed to people who look like they came off of a movie set. I applaud both, but the DIY’ers are more…
Locker room bookkeeping?
Absolutely! But then a different type of frustration sets in. Knowing if we could just get a healer/tank/DPS to appear on our team would win the game, but we lose because we have 3 Lucios and 2 Torbs.
I’ve had nothing by great experiences with Overwatch voice chat. Usually pretty fun, tame. Occasionally some yahoo will take a long bong rip on mic or maybe a player will accidentally press the mic for a bit, but usually not a big deal. I have no problem playing without a headset with my family in earshot, ...usually.…
“Friends of Jason” sounds like a lame made for TV movie about the other campers at Crystal Lake who went on to become supernatural serial killers in the Friday the 13th series. Watch Stinky Steve from Cabin Two melt faces with his noxious fumes! That’ll teach pretty Katie, the camp counselor with the big boobs and…
Pretty sure I saw Tropicana Jong-Il on the 3rd stage at Lollapalooza 3.
Hear he’s taking a job as Joe Mixon’s publicist.
Brandi Chastain looks terrible with short hair.