
Because artists generally don’t like to look greedy. That’s what Ticketmaster fees are for.

Way to explain the joke.

...unless you’re a Jew.

Yeah, no woman wants to be with a racist. That’s why they stopped reproducing and disappeared shortly after the Civil War.

That’ll show him!

You don’t have to be a Confederate general to be a racist. Many on the Union side, like Lincoln, Grant & Sherman were known racists too. (Not to mention most of the founding fathers like Washington & Jefferson.)

Terry Gross sniffs glue.

It’s a witch hunt!

She certainly knows a thing or two about snacks!

How do you know he’s not gay himself?

Shamed by who? Where? Who the hell are you that anyone should care how much you tip?

Stop whining and dump him.

God forbid Jezebel posts a story without a villain!

No one cares about your lady boner.

Who said Jezebel was classy?

Sorry racist, his skin color is irrelevant to this story.

How is she a violent, dangerous asshole?

19 year olds are still fucking this dude?

“Stuff like this begins to make paying an escort look respectable. Save up and, once a week or so, pay a very pretty woman for her time and her attention.”

Porn is blurry?