Suck it up, buttercup.
Suck it up, buttercup.
“Ah, must be nice, to retire in your early 20s to a future in ceramics.”
Then stop whining and go watch “Haywire” (2011), starring Gina Carano, directed by Steven Soderbergh.
Because James Bond fighting in a tuxedo is practical. lol
You’re obviously not old enough to remember Nixon.
Fake news.
Note: As of now, most of the 4:44 material is exclusive to Tidal subscribers.
Look at all the bitter, jealous wage-slaves rooting for this guy’s failure — just so they can feel better about giving up on their own dreams.
Actually, it’s LEGI.
A truckload of giant $100 bills?
Because they’re not delicate American snowflakes.
Sure, hugs are great... when they’re consensual.
This article and discussion are a useful reminder of why the patriarchy has nothing to worry about.
Jezebel *exploits* feminism. Always has.
Same is true for HBO. Is Game of Thrones not TV?
“...or some kind of Eminem type.”
LOL. Racist Jezebel is my favorite Jezebel.
Hey dummies... Paul Ryan doesn’t give a shit about the dress code. He’s just trying keep reporters from doing their jobs — using any means at his disposal.
The Republican Party wouldn’t have the power to do it if women stopped voting for them.
No, the whole point is to curb civil liberties and teach kids to submit to authority, instead of question it.