
Hey dummies... Paul Ryan doesn’t give a shit about the dress code. He’s just trying keep reporters from doing their jobs — using any means at his disposal.

The Republican Party wouldn’t have the power to do it if women stopped voting for them.

No, the whole point is to curb civil liberties and teach kids to submit to authority, instead of question it.

D - Those kids belonging to families who recognize that this requirement is utterly unenforceable bullshit, hire a lawyer, and sue.

Applying to college costs money. Will the high schools cover those fees?

Good news for lawyers!

Get used to it.

You don’t get punctuation either.

You’ve never seen rich and powerful men make bad decisions?

No, he’s not “literally” doing that.

Who says they care about feminism?

Honest news? lol.


Even more frightening is how many of those dumb voters are women themselves.

You can call it “off-loading”, or any other dopey buzzword. The fact remains: the people you dismiss as Old White Dudes simply don’t care about your oppression.

That does it! I’m boycotting Broadway. C’mon sisters, who’s with me?


They’re probably idiots. Who else would raise a son who visits North Korea for fun and laughs?

“civil rights leader”