
All it “tells” you is that they didn’t show up. It doesn’t tell you why.

Then that makes two of us, since I used the word as adjective, not a noun...

Split hairs all you want. The result is the same: blissful ignorance. Enjoy it.

Yeah, it’s so hard to find female opinions about movies. /s

He basically complains that people can’t read. Thanks for proving his point.

Dipshit or not, he’s actually correct about Nolan. Sorry.

Why would you want an insincere apology from someone who doesn’t think he has done anything wrong?

Just keep clicking, dummies.


It’s in his own best interest to move the show.

Something, something, low-hanging fruit.

Great. But your original comment was about women’s feelings, not just your own.

Are you saying that Baywatch is NOT an ironic jiggle flick?

If that were true, this article would not exist.

De-escalation?! Try segregation.

Close enough for Jezebel.

Et tu, Squatty Potty?

But... she LOOOOOVES him!!!!!

Pursuing and choosing are two completely different things.

Slaves can’t vote. Women voted for Trump.