
So you really think this movie would be a blockbuster if it had an Asian lead actress?

It is because the “industry” does not give a single fuck about ethics, morals, positive role-models, equal opportunity, female empowerment, or basic human decency.

What Was the Point of Chris Brown’s Black-Ish Guest Role?

If you don’t like the dress code, don’t take the free ride.

Non-famous people can wear anything they want too — by paying for their own ticket.

What do you mean? Assholes are the best at tweeting. It’s their preferred medium.

Yeah, because Nancy Pelosi edits Jezebel.

Yes. The Billboard chart has been pretty irrelevant for years now.

Aretha also had a less competition, for the same reasons.

More like Pink Floyd’s last appearance on a Roger Waters album. I believe Gilmour is only on two tracks, and Wright was gone entirely.

Pink Floyd is the band Kelly googled after reading your comment.

Dared? Lol

Really? How am I celebrating him?

Women love paying extra for pink packaging. It’s science.

Cool story, Helen.

You’re a creep too. Congrats.

Netflix audience reviews?

This “1941 classic” premiered in November 1942, and was released in U.S. theaters in January 1943.

No he doesn’t. Let the man have his privacy, for god’s sake.