It was no trouble, really.
It was no trouble, really.
She’ll fit in just fine. All network news is trash entertainment. You really think Chuck Todd and Brian Williams have more journalistic credibility than the bozos at Fox? It’s all one big clubhouse, full of out-of-touch millionaires reading headlines off of teleprompters. Kelly just happens to be easier on the eyes…
And don’t forget those pledge breaks every half-hour.
The one who looks hot on TV and generates free publicity by exploiting feminist outrage while serving her corporate masters.
Amateur hour bullshit from an overrated has-been. Shocking.
“Why can’t other white people learn to stop being so racist?”
Because Hollywood doesn’t like taking risks. Never did.
Instead of a Jewish Jackie O?
Sadly, as someone who watched his father die twice under the same circumstances (the initial heart attack, and then again when he was taken off life support), I believe that is exactly what is happening.
If your talent is valuable enough to your employer to get 1st class travel guaranteed in your contract, that’s great.
You mean Google Ads? LOL
How would A&E get paid by leaking it on YouTube?
Who the fuck thought filming these mouth breathers was a good idea?
Nah... That doesn’t make much sense. If A&E truly wanted to air it, they’d do it now while the controversy is fresh, and maximize the publicity and ratings.
Allegedly, A&E thinks its fucked up. That’s why they’re not airing it.
Call me cynical, but this show will get shopped around, and will eventually air somewhere else. Most networks are desperate for cheap content – and damaged goods like this show will be available at a bargain price for a less scrupulous outlet to grab and exploit for an easy ratings bump. Fox would seem the obvious…
Theeee... Space Pope!
Glad no one was seriously hurt — especially since those passengers will probably never get any financial compensation from Uber for injuries or damages.
This is the same choice they face every day. It’s not unique to the Trump gig.
That’s because you probably don’t work in show business.