Freddie DeBoer

Maybe no man’s sky? That’s my guess

Houston was pretty close to being capped out. People were saying if they wanted to sign Paul as a FA they’d have had to give up something to the Kings or Nets or someone to take Ryan Anderson’s contract off their hands, and also dump a second player (Gordon or Beverley) just to fit him in.

Of course, doing it this way

none of the versions online are more than 80% complete according to ex argonaut folks, so you didn’t really play the same game

This is FFVI. AKA the best Final Fantasy.

Holy fuck I cannot believe how amazing those games are. I can’t believe we’re getting secret of manna and earthbound and super Mario RPG on the same system. Let alone a star fox to vocalization? Was that ever released in North America?


If a tree is removed and no one was around to witness it, was it ever really there?

“And anyway, when you have the chance to lock an injured, 5'6" point guard who can’t defend anyone and who’s pushing 30 into a five year, $200 million contract, you have to take it.”

Danny Ainge committed to the “win someday at all costs” mentality.

I served on 3 juries and the level of crazy inside a jury room is astounding. In one, a law student proceeded to retry the whole case, pointing out all of what she thought were errors made with evidence. Was she right or wrong? No one knew, and no one knew whether to ask the judge if this was allowed. (I sure

This game looks to be for Mario what Breath of the Wild was for Zelda. I can’t wait.

I was gonna say “sounds like Star Citizen and No Man’s Sky but done in a Fifth Element universe” and then I realized what this really is.

The notion of a personalized protagonist is intriguing, but at least for myself—I thought I’d be dancing with joy at the new trailer. But I fell love with the original because of the cast, none of whom will be in this presumably (certainly not Jade, who wasn’t born yet). I was let down. It was a great looking trailer,

I love BG&E so I feel bad about saying this but I feel like this may be a game we’ll never see. If it does come out that will be great but I’m not going to hold my breath.

Jesus, Nintendo...

Zack McKracken has to be way higher. Original Monkey Island is far superior to the sequel. Otherwise not bad at all.