Freddie DeBoer

The robotic German announcer is killing it, never even raises his voice.

Hmm. Sounds like something with AI just taking a shit after a prolonged period of time. That’s a fun bug.

Me too but what to eat?

Great, now I’m hungry.

Congratulations to the eternally offended. A joke that languished in obscurity is now in front of millions of extra eyeballs. Mission accomplished?

Thank god this absolute travesty was righted. I can go back to finding the next thing to be insulted and triggered by.

I did not mean to imply that a psychosomatic illness meant that people aren’t experiencing real symptoms! Only that the Morgellons community rejects that diagnosis, and there is a very real possibility that the cause could be neurological rather than psychological. (Even though— of course— the line between neurology

Even if it is fully psychosomatic, it doesn’t lessen the pain and suffering these people are experiencing. Watch anyone having a full psychotic episode: just because we’re not experiencing their reality doesn’t mean that they don’t need some sort of treatment. That said, it just may be that medical science doesn’t


Honestly, I think we overestimated the public...every single person I know who owns a tablet (including me) would not replace it when/if it breaks...everyone says the same thing “I thought I’d use it more”...

You think a capitalist country of 300 people would have done better?

How would capitalism between islanders have changed the central facts that led to this situation? The isolation is the central factor here, how they choose to interact economically with each other on the island wouldn’t change anything.

You can’t, they won’t let anyone new move there.

Cool, I hope we can help them without destroying their interesting culture.