Freddie DeBoer

Bill Don't Lie (groan)

That was pretty fantastic. I swore when Nash got taken out, he blew a quad again. You can see him grab his leg after he hits the ground.

Thanks, I couldn't find my welcome, but there it is!

With a plugin, seriously? In this day and age, when you write "in your browser, right now", and "in any browser", you should understand that most of the people actually browsing, are doing it on mobile devices, and even on desktop, they are increasingly doing it on Chromebooks or Linux machines, neither of which this

It was, as The Rock stated himself, the biggest moment in tonight's Wrestlemania

That's as close to a clean way to get the belt off Lesnar as they can come up with. Rollins is so much more ready for that moment than Reigns, but there's no way he could have beaten Lesnar straight up, not after the build-up he's gotten over the past year. But now, at least, the belt is back in circulation.

Welcome to Kinja, Mr. McMahon.

Still give him some credit for being tough as nails to take all of those shots from Carwin. Nobody in the division at that time could even take one.

that's interesting - what is your password? :p