remember the good times
remember the good times
how is it possible that you get rid of the Maloofs and your ownership situation actually gets worse
This post is the identical sentiment to that story about how Pauline Kael was shocked by Nixon winning and said “How could he have won? No one I know voted for him.”
I got paid to go on Al-Jazeera and talk about polygamy once. They called it an honorarium and the other (anti-polygamy) guest got it too I think.
I think if you’re lifting weights the key is to rest a particular muscle group - no back-to-back days of the same group, obviously, but also to avoid doing shoulder day after chest day, etc. No lunges the day after hard squats. That sort of thing.
People constantly ask that Nintendo function more like other developers in all sorts of ways. This is them functioning more like other developers, and people hate it. IDGI.
Truly waterproof too. I have the Bugaboot IIs.
Truly waterproof too. I have the Bugaboot IIs.
A classic example of a game that I knew I would love if I was just good enough at it, but my terrible ability at video games held me back.
I LOVE Tri-Force heroes.... because I always play with my two brothers, which is perfect.
No, I want to make the case that there is such a thing as political resources, and that we have already spent far, far too many focusing on a fringe figure with a very limited influence when terrible forces already control everything. Which, as you already know, is not “defending Spencer.”
What about the guy who has the nuclear codes? Don’t you think that’s a more pressing issue?
and the next day, the horror began
But, again, what does punching accomplish? What is the purpose of the action? What is your goal, and how does the tactic of punching get you closer to that goal?
But, of course, slugging Richard Spencer doesn’t do anything. Richard Spencer controls nothing. Meanwhile, a revanchist political movement led by a nativist demagogue has control of the White House, Congress, and a large majority of state legislatures and governor seats. None of that can be changed by punching. But we…
[whispers] online harassment and abuse reflect fundamental aspects of human interaction and cannot be solved with technological fixes
Why would you want to introduce another thing that you have to worry about running out of battery into your life? That’s (almost) as bad as Bluetooth audio’s limitations, in my view.
Two weeks after his father’s death, 16-year-old Abdulrahman was killed in a drone strike intended for another al Qaeda leader.
Anybody know how durable iron ons are? Do they fade/degrade quickly?
Anybody know how durable iron ons are? Do they fade/degrade quickly?
File this under “not helping.”