Freddie DeBoer

The fact that you guys are so credulous to the idea that comic books and sci fi movies are suddenly woke out of a principled commitment to social justice is either the saddest or funniest thing I’ve ever heard.

In fact, as both a matter of philosophy and law, free speech questions are far more complex than this cartoon allows for. And the political norm of free exchange of ideas that goes beyond the narrow legality of the First Amendment is incredibly important for a functioning democracy.

Why do you care more about the alt-right than traditional conservatism? Plain vanilla conservatism has done vastly more harm to marginalized people than the alt-right. A 60 year old moderate Republican who refuses to hire black workers for his business does far more damage racial equality than a 19 year old tweeting

That’s objectively false.

it looks like the answers are the same as they were last year.

Nope, never played 3.

If 2016 has proven anything, it’s that brutal takedowns are totally effective at creating change.

Different strokes!

Time limits to get to the next scoop? Completely removed.

And yet basketball Twitter says that if you express any competitive balance concerns about these superteams, you’re a Marrioti-style mouthbreather. Gotta love that culture.

I loved this game as a kid and still look back at it fondly. Some of that is nostalgia - the motorcycle fights can be a slog and some of the puzzles aren’t up to Lucasfilm’s standards. But god it had so much character.

Of course voter suppression is a problem. But this is 16% decline in participation by registered voters. So purges from the registered rolls are irrelevant. Look, there’s no use in claiming that Democratic turnout was depressed in a variety of key places in a variety of key demographics. And as long as you insist that

Including, crucially, many of the people Democrats assume are their natural constituency, with black turnout (to pick an example) lower enough that it could have swung the election. The Detroit metro area, for example, had 16% lower turnout than in 2012. That’s enough to have potentially given her Michigan. Which I

In fact, Cuba’s economy is a third larger than several of its Latin American counterparts, again in spite of a brutal embargo, and there is no basis for the notion that Chile enjoyed some sort of economic miracle. Nor was Pincohet’s economy actually a free market, in many ways.

If you guys ran an unchallenged opinion from some other reactionary conservative demographic in the United States, you would rightfully be criticized for it. But of course you never would do that, would you? The claim that Fidel Castro’s crimes are equivalent in scale to those of Adolf Hitler is so fucking absurd to

No, more like “Fidel was responsible for many civil rights abuses and must be judged harshly for them, but comparing him to Adolf Hitler is absurd on a number of dimensions, and while we’re busy judging a dead guy let’s remember that we are currently supporting dictatorships that have inflicted far worse on their

You challenged people who wear t-shirts with Che on them. I’m asking you: do you have similarly negative perspectives on people who praise, say, Hillary Clinton, who supported a war in Iraq that killed at least 600,000 Iraqis and destroyed the country? Or who was the single most influential supporter of our disastrous

And have far less blood on their hands than any American president. So the next time you see some hipster in an Obama t-shirt....

Now playing

The Cuban ex-pat community is one of the most reactionary political demographics in the United States. They’re one of the only identifiable groups of voters of color who went for Donald Trump in the election. So I don’t expect more from Le Batard. But you might note that the “murderous killer” you’re indicting via

Would love a Kotaku general “state of VR” piece. I don’t mean to sound like a hater but it certainly seems like this period of VR, which was supposed to be the beginning of true mass adoption, has been a pretty big disappointment.