Freddie DeBoer

No, he didn’t. He accurately reflected the fact that the United States has armed and assisted Al-Nusra, which is a rebranded Al-Qaeda. He’s saying something accurate and he’s being mocked for it by a lot of people who don’t know what they’re talking about.

He’s right. He’s just correct.

It means exactly that - there’s no way to establish a no-fly zone without boots on the ground, as absolutely any credible analysis of that proposal will tell you. Do ten seconds of research before you guys go for the full “hurr hurr Democrats are good so you must be wrong” routine. Jesus.

He’s 100% correct.

I like the comment where everyone is making fun of the guy for saying that Obama’s admin is supporting Al-Nusra when, in fact, the Obama admin is supporting Al-Nusra.

Would you ever say that about the same accusations against a Republican candidate? Does it ever occur to you what partisanship does to your brain?

You know I went on Twitter and looked around. And of course Democrats were giving every rape-denying cliche in the book - Juanita Broaddrick’s a slut, they say, she was asking for it, she’s in it for the money.... And now, here, at the wokest comment section on the internet, it’s the same.

You know, I’ve thought about this maybe more than anything else in my life. I guess the two most important facts of my childhood were, first, that my parents raised us to have immense freedom as children - the freedom to come and go without supervision or limits, the freedom to watch or read or say anything we liked,

So I think there’s a difficult conversation to be had about the fact that one of the biggest contributors to recidivism is when people can’t get work after a felony conviction. You could certainly make the case that sports is the entertainment business and the rules should be different, and I might agree, but I also

Thought this was so well put.

In his prime, Evander Holyfield’s BMI was “obese” level.

I’ve always found these personal assistant “AIs” to be very underwhelming and nothing Google has unveiled looks likely to change my mind. They just duplicate other functions that are just as easily done in other ways.

“Joe Biden is good” has gotta be one of the saddest contemporary liberal convictions. His treatment of Anita Hill was some of the most flagrantly misogynistic slut-shaming I can imagine. A brutal, sexist character assassination. And now liberal Democrats treat him like good ol’ uncle Joe.

I was never much of a Bernie Sanders guy.

I’m not a Trump supporter; I’m a socialist.

No, I’m not conflating them. I’m saying that both of them have, as pretty much all rich people do, gone out of their way to pay the lowest taxes possible, and I’m further saying that we should focus on eliminating those loopholes and raising tax rates both.

You realize that many of Hillary Clinton’s harshest critics are people like people of color like Michelle Alexander and Adolph Reed, right? Are you just incapable of giving a substantive response, other than “it’s racist to criticize Hillary Clinton for her record as a moderate conservative”?

When did I ever say I’d stop reading or commenting on blogs?

I’m left-wing. I want a left-wing party. The Democrats are a center-right party. You are entitled prefer center-right politics if you’d like. But the idea that it’s fundamentally crazy for me to want a legitimate left-wing alternative in American politics is strange to me.

Look, do your research; there are tons of ways in which the Clintons have paid artificially low taxes. The fact that she’s paid a lot only shows how absurdly wealthy she’s become, thanks to her speaking gigs for Goldman Sachs and the rest of the plutocrats in our country.