Fred Castagnac

I'm not sure about anyone else but it usually takes about two hours till my brain starts processing sunlight... That's not to say I spend the first two hours on email or social network but rather I spend the first two hours in kind of a daze till I finally get to work...

No. >:(

But seriously, a lot of this is actually really good advice. I work from home, so work begins about 30 seconds after I get out of bed which sounds horrible, but it actually means that I can interact with coworkers or catch up with real people immediately, and that tends to wake me up a lot better than trudging

I rarely ever use Spotify, and I haven't used Pandora in years. 99% of my music is still bought and put into a good old-fashioned music player in MP3 format.

Working with partners and my ecosystems becomes more efficient than ever. Jacques

Azendoo (Free, with premium features available)

Our team is really enjoying Azendoo!! We are a mix of full time staff and volunteers.
Everyone is very busy and communication has always been difficult.
Sifting through emails to determine action items, tasks and the progress of a certain project or worse yet one

It's been this way for years...

Yes, on twitter they're perfectly acceptable. Almost everywhere else? No