Fred Smith

Yeah, I see your point, but a skateboard (and longboards which are increasingly popular in Harlem) are just some wheels and some wood. They aren’t gas powered. They don’t weigh hundreds of pounds before you put a human being on top of them. They don’t race down the street at over 60 mph. A hard wipeout on a skateboard

In my neighborhood (Central Harlem), it’s a show, and people will definitely stop to watch. The crowds in front of the public housing buildings love it. I’ve stood in the middle of an avenue to watch how long some guy can hold a wheelie. At a bus stop, when they come whizzing by, everyone usually talks about it for

We have the dirt bikers here in Harlem, too. They ride all over the neighborhood, and the stunts they do are very impressive. But they are very dangerous, and very loud. They always say that they ride in the streets because they have nowhere else to ride. I’d love to have a dirt bike park for them, but I seriously

Movies where Will Smith furrows his brow are not movies you want to see:

This is not an apples to apples comparison. Sharapova is Anna Kournikova with talent. She’s a hot blonde. End of story.

At the taint? How’s that work exactly?

Child porn? Murder? Counterfeiting money? Failure to pay taxes? Possession of nuclear weapons? I mean, the list is endless.

So can NFL Commissioners.

Costas rules. It’s great to hear him doing play-by-play on MLB.

Okay. I can buy that argument. Certainly, if there were ever a player that MLB would want to be able to enshrine in the Hall of Fame, it would be Pete Rose. (MLB is a separate institution, but that’s kind of beside the point, I suppose)

It’s not a silly rule, because gambling poses an existential threat to any league. Baseball experienced the most notorious case of it, which is why that rule exists. If there were one or two more refs like Tim Donaghy (or if he weren’t such a compulsive liar), the NBA could have easily entered a dark age because so

You are catching on. Mental health and mental illness are not synonymous, and that is my point. “Mental illness” is improperly used as a catch-all for an entire galaxy of ailments. There is no such disease called “mental illness”.

I didn’t feel like I was pontificating in any way. I’m clearly stating my own opinion on the matter.

Mental illness isn’t a disease, just as physical illness isn’t a disease. That’s gibberish. You can break your arm or you can get cancer. One is a disease, the other is not, but both require treatment.

Well, that’s really a personal choice, and again, I see it as no different than the ones people make about disclosing their physical health issues. Johnny might not choose to volunteer that he has testicular cancer to everyone, for instance. Everyone should do what’s right for them.

We don’t say that someone is “physically ill” do we? That phrase usually implies someone puked, as in, “The smell of the rotten fish made me physically ill.” Otherwise, it’s too imprecise to have any value.

The term “mentally ill” is one that I’d like to see go the way of the dodo. It implies that there are some who are mentally ill and some who are not. It’s more realistic to discuss this in terms of mental health. Everyone should be as aware of their own mental health as they are of their physical health (they are two

Nah, this is bad Noé, and even good Noé is bad Noé.

Funny to see him and Rex side-by-side, because they both got gastric bypass around the same time. The difference is that Rex changed his eating habits, while Christie did not. He dropped the first hundo, but the rest of that weight is not coming off as long as he keeps eating like Mr. Creosote.