
What the hell is with that green mumu she is sporting?

She could stand to lose some weight. There is a reason you never see pictures of her from the back. Her ass is wide.

There are three things that Black people need to tell the truth about. Number one: Rodney King should’ve gotten his ass beat for being drunk in a Honda a white part of Los Angeles. Number two: O.J. did it! And number three: Rosa Parks didn’t do nuthin’ but sit her Black ass down!

The headline is terrible, and goes directly against the story. From the story:

I look forward to 5-7 Kentucky and 5-7 San Jose State...

I didn’t say write positive posts about Republicans. In fact, I asked, instead of writing a bashing post, how about a positive post about Democrats as to why we should vote for them.

Will Gawker ever make any positive posts about candidates this campaign? I understand all the writers are hard core democrats/liberals, and I can see why there are a dozen posts a day bashing Republicans. But how about some posts on the Democratic candidates and why we should vote for them, other than “just because

Midwife instead of a fully qualified hospital, you know, with doctors and other medically trained people, with you know, better equipment, facilities, and a whole lot of other stuff?