
Why don’t you shut the fuck up and let the guy enjoy his powder, huh? How about that.

You don’t have to do any of that. It auto ships. Fresh food goes bad. You have to know exactly what you need or make extra trips or have waste you also have to spend way more time preparing it and eating it. It takes 30 seconds to prepare and eat a meal with soylent. It’s not an enjoyable experience, but it’s not

I’ll tell you, if you eat it for a meal a day, no real change. If you consume ONLY Soylent, well, the quantity and frequency of your output both drop.

A Soylent customer here as well. I usually drink a bottle on my way to work as a more balanced breakfast option than my usual other choices. I have a few bottles stashed in the office as a back-up. It hasn’t changed my life... but it is a nutritionally balanced option when the other options are inconvenient,

People get really angry when I tell them I drink Soylent. I think its because most people have a religious like attachment to food.

Soylent drink user here. I personally love this stuff. My work has no healthy options close by, so I was eating ramen and other stuff bad for me, snacking way too much, and just making generally unhealthy choices for convenience. This has helped me cut way down on caloric intake, want smaller portions when I eat

But seriously - if you have an opportunity to insult a decorated war veteran you have to take it, right?

The education system in Oregon is 48th this year in graduation rate from high school, previous year they were last in graduating White students. Not just trash, but DUMB White Trash.

“Terrorism declared legal for white people.”

You’re right. Davis committing virtually none of his own money and still demanding more—whatever that may be, including the sale of a stake in the team—isn’t manipulative at all.

Let’s make sure people can see and understand what half-assed false equivalence looks like. :)

I bought a burger the other day, and I only got to eat it once. :(

Which Amazon and Hulu shows are able to best Netflix shows like House of Cards, Marco Polo, Stranger Things, Master of None, Orange is the New Black?

Why are you calling it / comparing it to protein shakes? It’s not advertisitself that way, and I hope protein shakes aren’t advertising themselves as meal replacements. We don’t need as much protein as advertisers would like you to believe, what we need is balance of all nutrients - and that’s what’s being sold with

Why are you calling it / comparing it to protein shakes? It’s not advertisitself that way, and I hope protein shakes